Sunday, January 6, 2008

The biggest bigwig comes to town

As Bigwigs go, they don't come much bigger than this. W arrives in Jerusalem later this week.
There are American flags going up all over the city. An article in the Jerusalem Post outlines the routine at the King David -- including how the staff are not allowed to leave the hotel for the duration of the visit.

According to this article by the Associated Press Jerusalem has spent nearly $400,000 for this visit

I realise that I should see this as an honour that he is coming, but even now, when you call the city council hotline (106) they cannot tell you which roads will and will not be open. The only one which is for certain closed is King David street. I look forward to the chaos of getting to work, but as Ritz, from the King David hotel echoes the thoughts of everyone in the city -""There will be complete gridlock on the roads of Jerusalem,"

Hail to the Chief!


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