Monday, February 18, 2008

Buying a House

I am not entirely sure how the chain of events came about, but we started to think about a place to live. It's very different from in the UK, where our options are limited really to the main centres of Jewish life. Here, we have the whole country to consider.

We have decided, through a process of elimination, to try for the Gush Etzion area, specifically Efrat, partly as we are hoping Ruth will have a job in the area.

Ruth went to see it about a week and a half ago; I went to see it on Friday
Tonight we spoke to a lawyer about it, we are talking to banks tomorrow.
All of this seems to be going very fast!

I know there is much to do in order to get a house here (my sister went through the same thing last year-ish.

Anyway - I know that the style of post is not the usual ones, but every once in a while it happens.


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