Thursday, July 19, 2007


This is the start of a brand new blog.
Its not exactly the first blog I've tried and I am sadly sure it won't be the last - -but none-the-less, here we go.
I thought i would start with an introduction.
I am Aaron - 29, originally from Scotland, went to Uni in Manchester (studied Artificial Intelligence), worked in London and then moved here about 3.5 years ago.
I am married to Ruth - who is a Londoner, and we have been married just over 5 years.
We have 1 son called Ilan, who is just under 1 year old, crawling all over the place and generally finding out what life is all about.

I hope you enjoy this blog as much as i might get round to writing it.
I dont have a theme for it other than documenting life in all its forms.

I dont pretend that living here is easy, i dont pretend that everything in this country is perfect.
You'll find my political views shift from one end to the other depending on the issue at hand, and all will become clearer in the future. One thing is clear -- I am where i want to be.
I am happier here than I could ever have been if i stayed in London.


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