Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Avram Wedding Videos

Yes Yes it finally happened. After sitting next to and listening to lots about it, it finally took place.
Avram and Talya got married and what a great wedding it was.
So Avram and Talya -- I wish the 2 of you all the best in your new life together. I wish you only the best things in life and as they say you get to build your "bayit neeman beyisrael"

Talya -- you need to introduce Avram to some new music, because, well -- wedding music can only be listened to for so long before it gets tedious.

On another note once again my own "aishes chayil" proved invaluable at the wedding as she remembere the camera, so as the saying goes " Wives - don't leave home without one"

anyway - here are some videos


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